The Secret of Change

Change is eminent, unpredictable and challenging. Sometimes change chooses us, but what if we choose change? What if we come to a point in our lives when we need change? What if everything inside of us that we have kept bottled up for so long is screaming to be unleashed. Would you listen to your intuition? What if it was time to finally let that “thing” go and just move forward? Would you do it?

My oldest daughter recently finished 1st grade. With much anticipation of the summer, she and I decided to sit down and concoct a list of things we are going to do this summer to occupy her time. She’s a rather crafty/artistic little girl, so we decided on a few things she would like to do and places she would like to go.

And then we decided on chores she will be doing. Yes, chores…the stuff I like her to do. Now, she is currently still getting used to this change of being the “picker up’er” and not the “mess maker”…and, yes, it’s definitely a process. But we are getting there.

It’s a small change, but as she is getting older she realizes things will change. In fact, she anticipates it. She knows she will be in 2nd grade next year and she is excited to be learning new things. She learned how to read this past year and it has opened up a whole new world for her. Change is all around her. It’s expected.

She’s six.

I wonder if adults had this same perspective…to expect change, to have a desire to learn and move forward…would we stay in our comfort zones?

I know many adults who are stuck, who have been stuck for years in the same place.

I’ve been there myself. I understand the whole comfort zone thing. But ya know what? I’ve discovered that putting myself outside that comfort zone is exhilarating. A comfort zone can become an invisible trap that you don’t even realize you are in. Life is so much bigger on the outside.

True freedom does exist.

I recently left a strict, conservative religious sect that I had known my whole life. This was a decision that I made over several years. It was no longer suiting  my lifestyle, it was a burden to my spiritual growth, and it was creating a flawed perspective in my oldest daughter. We finally got out of it last month. I cannot express how liberating it is to be out from underneath that weight of suppression. It’s a whole new freedom and I’m loving every day. I didn’t even realize how much it was holding me down until I left.

This change brought on a whole new meaning to freedom.

I painted a painting I’m calling “The Owl of Freedom.”



I’m going to hang this up in my studio to commemorate my new direction. There is a whole new life out there waiting for me.

What is the secret of change?


I’m trying every day to make those small steps toward the person I eventually want to become.

One of the best decisions I made this year was to sign up for the e-course, Do What You Love ( I discovered it at such a key point in my life and I’m grateful from what I gained through the exercises.  I highly recommend it for anyone who wants to move forward toward doing what they love.

Small change or big change…every change (good or bad) in our lives has purpose. Are you ready to embrace it and move forward?

It might just be the best thing that ever happens to you.


